Keeping the beliefs of our ancestors, we know
that important trends of life cycles are circular. We notice the
changing of the seasons, and the positions of the sun and the moon, the
ways we evolve from birth to death and see the changes of our spirit
realm. We are unique within the circle of life. The "Medicine
Wheel" guides us along life's sacred path.
The month in which we were born, specifies
our position on the medicine wheel and guides our individual destinies.
All people walk the wheel at their own pace . The medicine
wheel influences our cycle of constant movement, rather than only one
rigid path .You can determine your destiny by evoking
the good will of your ancestors and remaining on the
true Red Road of life.
Istawicayazan Wi (March - Moon when Buffalo Cows drop their calves/
Sore Eye Moon)
See the fresh sprouts, the green buds. It is time for you to throw off the old and make way for the new. It is time for birth and rebirth, rejoice in the Spring.
Wihakakta Cepapi Wi (April - Moon of Greening Grass / Red Grass
Go quickly and seek you elders, don’t let the stories of our Nation pass you by.
Wojupi Wi (May - Moon When Ponies Shed)
Now you are warming up, it is time for you to keep those self-promisses - time for you to stand tall.
Wipazuka Wast Wi (June - Moon of Making Fat/Moon when Green grass
is up / Strawberry Moon)
Enjoy for there is a long hot Summer ahead of you. Watch the children and learn from them what needs to be done.
Canpasapa Wi (July - Moon When the wild cherries are ripe)
No more putting off what needs to be done. Clean and prepare for the days ahead.
Wasuto Wi (August - Moon when the geese shed their feathers)
Stop complaining - have you done your share? Isn’t there more you could do - take what ever you have and share.
Cahwapegi Wi (September - Moon of dying grass / when calves grow
Time to start getting ready for Winter this year, the Summers are getting shorter and the Winter’s longer. Dust off all those things that you didn’t get done this year and get them done now.
Canwapekasna Wi (October - Moon of changing seasons)
Feed the ancestors - listen to your Elders - that is all you need to know.
Waniyetu Wi (November - Moon of Falling Leaves)
Ah, it is the time when things are dying - the leaves are crunching underneath. But there is still work to be done, you know what it is so do it, no more excuses!
Wanicokan Wi (December - Moon of Popping Trees when Deers shed
their horns and Buffalo cow’s fetus is getting large.)
For some of us it is a time of cold, a time of hunger, a time of need. Listen even the earth is sleeping. Grow strong and obtain patience.
Wiotehika Wi (January - Moon of Strong Cold/ Frost in the teepee/ a
time when wolves run together.)
Light the fires, draw the little ones near, and tell the stories of old. ICannopopa Wi (February - Raccoon Moon/ Dark red Calves) Look quickly to the woods - the trees and the earth, it is awaking - just a little bit so if you don’t look quick you will miss the first hint of Spring. The first flowers may even be peeking through the snow, and then again perhaps not.