"My family is Cherokee and Chippewa, although, We've
been blessed with the teachings of many Northern
Woodland tribes. We've been making American Indian
inspired crafts and regalia for about 20 years now,
and selling them on the powwow trail. We drummed and
sang for many years at powwows on the East Coast,
until most of our drummers were called up to fight in
Iraq. At this time, we are spread out across the US,
with one singer still in Iraq. We are proud
Americans. We are proud Native Americans. We love to
make Native inspired jewelry and regalia, and to see
the smiles on people's faces as they wear our
creations proudly.
You can learn more about us at our homepage, Spirit of
the Longhouse,
/. Yigaquu
osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi
(May the Great Spirits Blessings Always Be With You)"